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Design Week Ljubljana 2023, scheduled for October 5-7, as an integral component of the Month of Design, encompasses a dynamic array of events; Exhibition of Brands and Designers, Eat & Drink Design, BIG SEE Winners presentations, the Design Conference, the Design Forum, BIG SEE Debates, the BIG SEE Grand Prix Award Ceremony, and the Slovene Design Awards Ceremony.


OCTOBER 5, 2023
10.00-12.00: BIG SEE Debate (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
12.00-14.00: BIG SEE Debate (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
10.00-16.00: Design Forum (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
17.00-18.00: Slovenian Design Award Ceremony (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
18.00-22.00: Eat & Drink Design and Opening of the Design Week Ljubljana (Design Zone in Centre of Ljubljana)

OCTOBER 6, 2023
10.00-22.00: Design in the City (Design Zone in Centre of Ljubljana)
10.00-17.00: Winning Projects Presentations (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
13.00-16.00: Design Conference: The Future is Watching You (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
17.00-18.00: BIG SEE Design Grand Prix Award Ceremony (Academy of Music, Kongresni trg 1, Ljubljana)
18.00-22.00: Light & Sound Design, Eat & Drink Design (Design Zone in Centre of Ljubljana)

OCTOBER 7, 2023
10.00-19.00: Design in the City (Design Zone in Centre of Ljubljana)

More about the programme: https://bigsee.eu/visit-month-of-design-2023/

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